I disagree, a bit. It not so much what Mrs. Pelosi understands. She is not that supid. Rather it is how far must Mrs. Pelosi go to appease the Congressional Black Caucus. Mrs. Pelosi bucked the CBC in keeping Alcee Hastings off the Intelligence Committee. That one act may mark the limit of Mrs. Peo8si&#l217;s political courage.
hHt3IKSCIjv, 23.09.2014 - 02:06
Lele Goco, gde nadje bas ovaj vikend! Ja sztiem 30 uvece u Jasikovo..Nije bitno, napravicemo mi jos koju turu. Srecno pa cu da vidim slike kasnije.. Veliki pozdrav od Bata Ljube
eBVhovdYspex, 09.10.2012 - 17:31
Times are changing for the better if I can get this onnlie!
rDSLSkJhJ, 20.01.2012 - 03:13
If not for your writing this topic could be very convoluted and olibque.
VJOdqQEhipKhyuqhb, 11.07.2011 - 06:14
Never seen a bteter post! ICOCBW
Ivča, 26.12.2007 - 15:50
Šteta...ovo mi nije baš nešto.......
Najjače od njih je onaj demo snimak iz garaže kad su još imali stvari na hrvatskome...
Debeli Precjednik