
29. RiRock 08.12.2007


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jHR08ScyH, 20.11.2015 - 00:16
Kudos to Dr. Erika for helping to bring scniece into young people’s lives, but she’s made a significant error here: Pluto is still a planet. Yes, in 2006 the IAU (International Astronomical Union) voted to place Pluto into a new classification of planets called “dwarf planets,” but what many have since failed to realize is that dwarf planets ARE STILL PLANETS, just like dwarf stars are still stars and dwarf galaxies are still galaxies. Unfortunately the wording of the IAU’s 2006 ruling was inefficient and flawed in its description, being hastily composed by a substitute committee which had its own agenda, and the voting was intentionally shelved until the last day of the 2006 assembly (after many members had departed) and was thus decided upon by only 4% of the voting body of the IAU. There were and still are a large percentage of scientists who oppose this decision and the case is far from closed. A clearer definition and a more decisive vote are expected for an upcoming General Assembly of the IAU. So, despite the misdirected attempt to address this dispute in segment of the video portraying young “Sally” as an angered Plutophile, Pluto still is a planet and will remain so.VA:F [1.9.4_1102](from 1 vote)
BLUh5Qfgtzfw, 19.11.2015 - 22:01
Ο/Η λέει:Καλημέρα! Για να δεις τις παραπάνω φωνές χρειάζεται να τις κατεβάσεις! Πήγαινε System Preferences Speech Text to speech System voice csutomize εκεί θα βρεις τις δύο ελληνικές φωνές..
NxMCVGJNH, 09.10.2012 - 00:30
Bren me encanta la foto, que gsituco que os junte1rais, que bien se este1 entre amigas!!! a ver si me apunto yo al mie9rcoles mudo, que me parece una iniciativa muy graciosa. Besitos y saludos desde Murcia y gracias por visitar mi espacio! es tuyo vuelvo a decirlo es genial!
OXyrClHAgibFuLxxPZS, 08.09.2012 - 13:59
Molly, I was no fan of that ruling. But I can arssue you that FOP Lodge 86 (the one that members of Indianapolis/Marion County law enforcement can join) didn't ask and it wasn't a question when they interviewed candidates. That's something more done at the state level FOP. Locally, it was all about patrolling by beats vs zones, should the mayor be in charge of the police department or the sheriff, should the current labor agreenment continue to be honored, and so on I'm glad that you guys here, even though you're a righty blog (it's okay, I lean right as well) recognize that both sides are playing negative, while my friends at Capitol & Washington are acting like their candidate is on a pedestal. Since I've voted in both R and D primaries, I get both parties' direct mail pieces. Yesterday, I received THREE negative pieces from ballard about Kennedy on the same day. I also received two positive pieces (one from the R candidate for council in my district, one from the incumbent D), and then a final positive piece encouraging me to vote straight Democrat with photos of Kennedy, the At-Large D council candidates, and the district D council candidate.I have a friend up in Lafayette who expresses similar complaints about Indy media. Even though she's an hour away from Indianapolis, she still sees a lot of Indy related commercials and that, of course, means political ones during October/November.
RAKIJA, 11.11.2009 - 17:30
MELINA; pusi ga.
melina, 05.10.2009 - 21:51
sinek, odi doktoru opće medicine da ti da uputnicu za psihijatriju. tamo reci da nemaš privatni život i pitaj kako ga vratiti nazad, ako si ga uopće ikad imao, a ako nisi, onda se interesiraj kako ga stvoriti. sigurno ima još puno luzera/lejmera ko i ti, pa bi se mogli družiti na istom levelu.
eto, prijateljski savjet. živio!
p.s. nemoj zaboravit otići i na ispovjed
rakija, 05.10.2009 - 17:15
vlasniche, pusi i ti ako ces brisati vrijedjanje i omalovazavanje zenskog spola. ajde pisite sto je to punk, sto je zivot, a sto je vasa majka pobogu napravila, jebem li ju.
rakija, 30.09.2009 - 12:57
MELINA, pusi kitu.
Rakija, 19.09.2009 - 11:06
Dobro necu vise. Nisam mislio nikoga sokirati, samo se igram. Jako volim igru.Da, i slazem se s tobom da je Diskurz jako dobar bend.
melina, 17.09.2009 - 23:58
aj ne seri vise. reci sta imas il odslini.. ne sokiras nikog sa tim pateticnim psovkama.
rakija, 17.09.2009 - 18:25
MELINA, ja sam mulac, nasao sam ovu stranicu, bas je lijepa. isusa ti jebem.
govno jedno, pametno. hocu da mi rodis dijete. nisam vise takav da psujem. krenut cu boljim putem, cim narastem u curu.
melina, 17.09.2009 - 15:55
samo pitaj. mulcima sam uvijek spremna pomoć
rakija, 17.09.2009 - 09:50
MELINA, hvala ti, to sam oduvijek htio ali se nisam sjetio. tako i druge stvari bi mi mogla reci, patko. konju. ja sam izgubljena.
melina, 15.09.2009 - 19:14
flaširaj se s rakijom i operi usta sapunom
rakija, 15.09.2009 - 15:01
MELINA, guzica ti fina. Jebat cu ti oca.
melina, 15.09.2009 - 09:13
ne, to je punkerski stil zivota, iza punka stoji cijela filozofija.
punk je brand, koji osim muzike i stila zivota uključuje i način odjevanja, socijalnu osvjestenost, ideologiju anarhizma, punk aktivizam, grafičke simbole, anarho književnost, itd..

te koji si naveo ispred dućana se najviše furaju na punk radi revolta prema hijerarhiji, žele biti primjećeni na ulici i osuđeni od društva.
Ma, svi smo mi punkeri, samo što se ne prepoznajemo :)
Hoffman, 12.09.2009 - 14:34
Melina jebes pank.sta je uopce pank?boca vina ispred marketa?
melina, 12.09.2009 - 11:56
whatever. čitala neki dan interview na muzika.hr
vidi se da ih je mrle i ekipa iz dallasa vec pripremila kako se moraju isfuravati prema medijima. jebene marionete koje se furaju na punk. ista priča kao i sex pistolsi.
rakija, 11.09.2009 - 09:47
MELINA, jebem ti boga.
hoffman, 31.08.2009 - 11:41
kojih smradova?
melina, 27.08.2009 - 00:38
ja mislila ono -Dallas je gnjida- na kraju spota da je to kao neki revolt, a onda cujem da su za njih potpisali. ah, kakvo razočarenje, na trenutak mi se ucinilo da stvarno ce netko dici buku protiv tih smradova.
Anja, 30.06.2009 - 14:32
ajm in lav. nakon dugo vremena konačno pravi punk u hr
IVO PURGER, 30.12.2008 - 11:01
Odlican bend, pravi punk..samo tako.. Pozdrav Rijeci i svim dobrim bendovima! :-)
ari, 30.12.2008 - 10:30
ovi su dobri. stvarno.
mirijam, 08.03.2008 - 10:07
jebem ti mater!e sad sam ja mogel bit tu,ali samo zbog te kurve ja nisam mogel da ih vidim!jebem joj mater ruznuu!!!



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