KUD Idijoti

5. Opatijske Barufe 16.05.2008

KUD Idijoti

5. Opatijske Barufe


KUD Idijoti

IoR1jxLG, 30.04.2017 - 13:33
Learning a ton from these neat arscilet.
rcWzuBwhEr, 29.04.2016 - 06:27
Kimberley,Thanks for sharing your story. I so appreciate what you do and the message you send. Your message shares with the world that our children are like sn2&wlakesf#8o11; Each beautiful but uniquely different. Just as no two snow flakes are the same there are no two children exactly the same. Each child requires something different to shine. The one thing that will remain the same,and the one thing that often gives us balance is …that we LOVE them! Wishing you many blessings and a Magical Day! ~Michelle Colon-Johnson
qvAnqRWN, 09.10.2012 - 14:26
Indeed, Salsa would be a very good choice but the place where you can show your salsa skllis is limited, unless you start dancing in the middle of the street. I don't know your age so it is kind of hard to give you an appropriate answer but if you are the kind of guy that goes in the clubs then you should learn hip hop.I can give you some tips If you choose to start hip hop but otherwise I can't do nothing for you but encourage you to take classes or buy a dvd of the style you want.Here are some advices you should follow when starting to dance:1st Learn to get rythm.Listen to your songs and decorticate every instruments.Learn where to clap your hands!it may seem stupid but yeah, it is the first step to have rythm!Then try dancing on the rythm of the bass of the song.Don't try to follow the lyrics you will seem off beat. It is easier to stick to one beat of the song and move with it, although you can follow the lyrics of the chorus but nto the verses. You can also add moves when there are special effects/sounds in the song! 2nd- Once you have rythm, dance will come naturally to you!Of course, you can get inspired by dancers on youtube! Just type freestyle or choreography, salsa or whatever and there will be plenty of videos waiting for you.3rd- Practice makes perfect! You can repeat your dance steps in your basement to build your confidence! Just put on a good song and improvise! Let the sound guide you!4th- You shouldn't be thinking while dancing, don't worry about what others think or you will limit yourself in your movements and will look awkward.Hope That I helped!Have Fun! Was this answer helpful?
NuNVvNifjgOxSJtXoMd, 10.09.2012 - 04:44
That is insane! Such a shame and a waste of a surepb car. This is unfortunately the industry we work in. Cowboy companies who think they are still in the 80 s and can act like reputable businesses on the surface but then turn in to Arthur Daley' types the second they have your car! These morons give reputable dealers/garages a bad name.The really annoying thing is that they will be allowed to continue this sort of shoddy work and absolutely diabolical customer service' . I know that you can't name them due to your on going case, but people should really know the name so that they can avoid them in the future.As a petrolhead, I'm truly sorry for your loss.x
CPLUTLHeJSqwk, 11.07.2011 - 20:55
I thank you humbly for shranig your wisdom JJWY



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